From The Meir Agassi Museum
The dozens of artists' books included in Meir Agassi's estate were created throughout his years as an artist. They can be seen as one organic body, as a mind map, or as a channel for itself within the complex called the "Meir Agassi Museum.". These artists' books served him as an introduction to the tensions between writing and art, between verbal expression and visual image, and they include diagnoses between looking outward and dealing with inner traits of the soul. You can see them as a kind of visual diaries in which he wrote, drew, pasted, and stamped shapes, colors, and objects but also wrote short stories, poems, thoughts, memories, and dreams. The books presented here are just a few examples that allow a glimpse into the world of the artist of multiplication who was Agassi, who showed a deep interest in different artistic styles, in anatomy, astrology, fashion, nature (animals, plants, geology), high culture (theater, cinema, literature), marginal culture, and collecting and asked to gather them into one whole.