
Alicia Shahaf


The book is the diary of a photographer who documents in words and images her encounters with women around the world. The book contains twenty-six short fragments of text, some of them no more than one line. Each fragment deals with a different woman who hosts the photographer. The descriptions are the result of the dialogue that the writer - the photographer Cristina - is having in her head, when she thinks about these encounters.
She talks about food, about emotions, she describes the woman who hosts her associatively, she paints a portrait of the woman when her contours are the house, or the actions she does, or the food she prepares, or her absence, or her reactions.
Cristina is my second name, the one my parents gave me.
Cristina is the photographer I thought I would be when I chose to study photography at an art school, one that travels the world and shoots for National Geographic, free and without roots. None of this really interested me and the dialogue I have with photography is much more complex: it does not always satisfy me, it is usually not enough for me. And my roots are deeply rooted in Israel, in my family, in my home.
The characters in the book are fictional, but most have a grip on reality, on my personal history.

  • Copies: 250
  • Pages: 36
  • Type of binding: hardcover
  • Dimensions (cm): 15X21
  • Reproductions: Alicia Shahaf
  • Printing: A.R. Printing Ltd
  • Type of printing: Digital
  • Publication: Self-publishing
  • Book photography: Yair Meyuhas